In an unprecedented time of pandemic and dissolution, your company can bolster your area with neighborhood and community outreach.
Here’s some ideas to show the world you care.
1. City Food Bank
Locate a food bank in the area of your communities that may be reaching the neighborhoods with food deliveries or other resources. Many food banks are depleted, especially during this time of shutdown. A company-wide drive can allow employees to donate and/or encourage residents to join in the effort. Donating canned foods quickly can replenish food storages and it is easy to set up a designated can drop-off at your communities.
2. Reach Area Medical Workers.
Ask hospitals in your area what is the best course of action to assist overworked medical professionals. Several restaurants offer specific programs where they match your donation. A lunch sponsored by one community can be a welcomed event for these frontline workers. Also, provide PPE masks and gloves to medical care facilities in your area. Many suppliers are now fully stocked and shipments can arrive quickly in many cases.
3. Light Up Your Community
Decorate your community trees and buildings with magical holiday lights while encouraging sheltered residents to join in by decorating their balconies. Bringing back Christmas decorations went viral last month as homeowners and businesses started the trend. It brings hope and encourages our communities that life will return to normal. It is a great way to lift spirits as well as bringing light to your property! (See more resident reach-out ideas here! )
4. Adopt A Senior Care Facility
Due to the quarantine, there are seniors in living facilities who are most susceptible to the virus. Sadly, they haven’t seen relatives in weeks and are feeling lonely. You can help by providing puzzles, word games, special treats, or other creative deliveries. Start a writing campaign and adopt senior individuals. Residents or employees can become pen pals and encourage these amazing folks! Sometimes reaching out may be our best medicine and we help someone else in the process!
5. Host A Blood Drive
There is a blood shortage currently and many blood banks could use red blood and platelets during the pandemic. Some area companies can provide mobile units that are specifically equipped during COVID-19 and show up at your community. You can also partner with Carter BloodCare, Red Cross and others to help organize local donation centers to accept residents or employees. Donating blood is easy, saves lives and helps during this on-going fight against this silent killer.
6. Show Them You Care
Compile your efforts and post social media photos of employees going the extra mile delivering food, helping medical workers, organizing a food drive or donating blood. Create a hashtag for your community or company and encourage residents to share their contribution. Everything helps! We can do this together and make an even greater difference in eradicating this plague out of our neighborhoods and communities! It shows the world you care and may encourage others to join the fight!