How to Sell an Owner on Including Key Signs in Your Next Funding
Every seven years, most property owners budget for a total community re-paint. This is usually a major undertaking and a chance to update the community with fresh colors. Everyone gets involved with the selection of colors and multiple requests for proposals ensue. It is expensive and arduous. However, it seems everyone involved from management, to marketing, to owners, understand this is something that needs to happen every seven years. The budget is prepped, and the usual next steps involve selecting the painting vendor and color options.
There is usually one key factor missing. Your signs are the one thing that carries the brand throughout the community. From the first impression with identity, to the units, to amenity signage and even secondary signs, these elements are usually tied to the colors. In fact, when Robinson Creative designs a signage campaign, it is important we consider both exterior and interior colors. Signs must inform and direct, but they must also work within the property color palette.
When colors change, signs should also be adjusted to work with new community colors. However, most forget this important consideration.
It’s common knowledge that traditional exterior paint will begin to breakdown between 5 – 7 years, especially in harsher weather climates. Illuminated identity signs, whether monument, blade or building identity, are usually painted with an automotive-type paint. This is a multi-layered process completed in a paint booth for smooth trash-free application. Even automobile paint will oxidize over time, depending on a vehicle’s exposure. So, signs begin to fade, or peel, and even warp with constant exposure. Materials may also begin to breakdown.
Your identity signs are key as they are the prospect’s first impression.
They should be cleaned and maintained constantly for optimum appearance, as this is your image. When a community budgets for a re-paint, owners must realize signs should also be in the budget as new property colors must work with existing signs. Realize the cost to update signs isn’t cheap… much like the cost to re-paint an entire property! Large monuments or building signs will need to be removed and re-painted and/or repaired in a factory to maintain a sign’s function and appearance. Hiring a traditional painter to re-paint signs onsite is not recommend as they do not understand the nature of the process. Paint will not be smooth but show brush streaks and inconsistencies, particles in the air will cause a rough appearance and illuminated letters will be destroyed with normal painting techniques.
Recently, a community made a drastic change in property colors and Robinson Creative updated existing identity signs while including some new community signs. The opportunity was utilized to refresh the signs with a more dynamic appearance, and correct any electrical issues while adding a new traffic-grabbing monument. Some of the ‘before and afters’ are included in this article.
How do you sell your owner on including signs in your next re-paint budget?
- Show them the Importance of Branding Colors with Signs
- Underline the Prospect First Impression Factor
- Educate Them on the Painting Process Required
- Understand Traditional Onsite Painting Will Not Work
- Use the Time to Update Signs and Check Electrical Components
- A Good Sign Provider Will Include Temporary Identify While Signs Are Refurbished
- A Freshly Refurbished Sign Campaign Will Elevate Value & Appeal